The home of our new sustainability project
Zest4Kidz has a habit of constantly dreaming bigger than our budgets. We do this for a few reasons. 1. We know that any success we have will be attributed to God and God so far has never been restrained by a budget. 2. We believe that God wants to do great things through the Irish people to help children in desperate circumstances around the world. 3. Big problems take big solutions.
As these dreams take form and become projects we put sustainability into the core of the strategic plan. As projects become self-funding, Zest4Kidz can move to the next project, fulfilling our dream to see every child in the world loved.
- Patrick clearing the field for planting
One of these sustainability projects is in full-swing at the moment in Uganda. Zest4Kidz are in the middle of planting 10 acres of Maize before the rainy season! The profits from the harvest will be put back into the sustainability project, allowing it to fully fund our rehabilitation home for children within one year! Our three-year plan is to grow the sustainability project into a pig & poultry farm.
As our rehabilitation centre becomes sustainable, it will allow our funding to be invested into new projects, helping more children. That gets me excited!
If you would like to become involved in our sustainability projects please contact me at matt@zest4kidz.com
Matt Kingsley
Operations Manager
Dublin, Ireland
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